Sunday, June 29, 2008

Official Email Address #1

Dear all members, our Chairman (Me) Has made a new official Email for the KTG, (, for more information visit KTG Official Email Page on KTG Australia Online.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


KTG ONLINE MEETINGS are coming soon they are on the new website and the estimate opening date for the online meetings is the 3rd of July but maybe sooner of maybe later

Message from the oldest member of the KTG and Vice CEO

Oldest member and Vice CEO here as memberships come to close for the year 2009 membership forms are available at our new website and KTG ONLINE MEETINGS are coming soon again at our new website and the website opens tomorrow 30 june and it is password protected so you will have to get the user name and password from me, the vice president of the KTG

End Of Term Relief

Dear All members, our 16th end of school term relief as begun! From now until the beginning of the next school term we are closed to all entries, but to prepare for next term the Board Directors will have several meetings, to help please meet us near the main door of our vicinity.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Another member has permission.

Congratulations to Hasitha, he is a member who has now been given permission to edit the blog (all unreasonable posts are terminated), he is our silliest member, but was a great success in our film project & follows orders well (when he pays attention, which isn't always, but most of the time) he is our Sri-Lanka representative, he joined earlier this year when his family moved to Australia & has fit in straight away with the rest of the Australian gang, congratulations Hussey*!

*Hussey is the nickname we gave Hasitha because he's really good at cricket & his name sounds slightly like it*

P.S: Hussey has not made a post yet.

KTG New Website

The new website is under way, click in this link KTG Australia Webpage and you will be at the KTG official website BUT IT IS PASSWORD PROTECTED so you will have to go to me, Hamish Vice President of the KTG.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

KTG Health Policy

Dear al members, the KTG has a new health policy, it is very strict & should be noted by all members that it is to be followed under all circumstances, even when the KTG is closed for an end of term relief.

  1. If you buy things from Canteens etc, if you get more than 2 items one must be fruit, more than five must be 2 fruits & so on.
  2. That each weekend 2 hours of outdoor activity must be done.
  3. Work & School Days must be at least 1/2 an hour a day of outdoor activity.
  4. The KTG Fitness Program is run every Wednesday during our lunch break, even when the Chairman, Vice Chairman &/or the Assistant Chairman are away.
  5. Every Lunch must at least include one fruit &/or vegetable item(s).
  6. Each member has to be part of some sport club/group.
  7. All members are to at least have some knowledge of Gymnastics.
  8. Not be obese or slightly fat, good actors are thin & energetic etc.
  9. Each Member must be part of some sort of after or before hours acting class or will not be permitted to be Chairman of the KTG.
  10. Must at least have a clear knowledge of of the rules of one type of sport (Cricket, Tennis etc.)
  11. Must have passed the "Trial" time before you can come to the KTG birthday party, at which there is a fair amount of Junk Food served (Ice Cream, Pizza, Soft Drinks etc)
  12. Must have at least 5 serves of Vegetables & 2 Serves of fruit.
  13. Must be able to ride a Bike, A Scooter, Rollerblades/Skates & optionally, a Skateboard.
                        For more information just ask me or your regional representative.   

Vice Chairman/President Able to edit blog.

Dear all members, our Vice Chairman/President has recently been given permission to use this blog, If you get an Email from "Sentano Goverich" in your inbox on your Email it's to use this blog, also, if you know my real name it is forbidden to be used on the web. Hamish (our Vice P/C), congratulations on successfully posting on, he had to ring me on the phone to work it out (I'm not being mean Hamish).

Vice Presidents First Post

Hi guys is the Vice President/Chairman here: Hamish. New Wordpress site has been created more details yet to come.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Film Trilogy

Dear all members, we today at the KTG Birthday Party, voted hat the film we made was to become a trilogy, in the DVD of all three we'll put all our bloopers from the films on a second menu plus "The Making Of" in that menu also.


Chairman KTG Australia & Worldwide 2008.

P.S:If Any Entries to the KTG are asked for note that we will not accept any until Wednesday 25th June & will also not accept if it is during another film project. 

KTG Aus Film Hiring

Helo everyone & anyone, I am giving DVDs to each film members & I am letting people hire them for free with a $2 Aus fine if lost or not returned on time (with exceptions if you're going away for a while, or sick, but if you're going away permanently must be returned before). If you see it please post a comment.


Chairman KTG Australia & Worldwide 

Friday, June 20, 2008

Post terminated

This post has been terminated. 

Film 2008 KTG

Dear all members, we have finished the film, but the file is to large to upload.
I will let you know if it's on the web.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Members Notice

Dear all members, the film project is behind schedule & some members are saying we failed & will not finish by June 20 5:00 PM, if you say that from now on, you will be fired if it becomes true, also, (I'm being nice now) you'll notice the Chimoru KTG banner (Credit to VakamaTK & Dark709) which I made using the Chimoru Omega Kit that Dark709 made, I first got the idea from VakamaTK, so a giganticly hugely sized thanks to you guys (& Gerlicky & Blade Titan 974 & Hero 100 & so on). it is larger than it should be but, the bigger the better! I'll let you know if the film gets finished (which I'm sure it will). Also the banner is copyright of the KTG & is not to be used by anyone other than KTG members & VakamaTK & Dark 709 & Blade Titan 974 & Gerlicky & Hero 100!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Film Editing Assistance Required

Hello all KTG members, in my last post I stated that our assisting teacher has found a way that's easier to edit the film with, so now we need assistance to edit it, please report to the editing computer at lunch if you can help, but NO watching editing as it is distracting for the editor. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Assisting Teacher of short film has found a way to edit.

Our assisting teacher on TFXX:HS has found a way to edit it with this program a Department Of Education & Training professional computer technology designer recommended, the designer is faxing the instructions to the assisting teacher & soon it'll be on the web, the name is confidential on the web until it is posted on the Short Film Awards website, I am making a banner for the KTG credit to VakamaTK & Dark 709 for the sprites (the sets of graphic figures).

KTG Members Are Flooding!

Well members, I have other members flooding the KTG so keep helping their skills!