Friday, July 4, 2008

End of term relief begins!

Well, I can't get the KTG Chimoru Banner to upload so just forget that, I would like to say that today (4th July 2008) is Independence Day in the United States Of America, (I am having a party to celebrate((Kidding!!))), but mainly, The KTG today is starting it's end of term relief for 2 weeks after our very busy 2nd Term. But watch out members, the KTG is having an even bigger term, with our second in our film trilogy & a new Musical by our former Chairman Tayzin Fahey-Leigh , a bog thanks to him, also, our team is now hoping to have online meetings through Skype, read more on the KTG Australia Online page: Skype Online Meetings (Password Required), for more information. (The Password is:


Chairman KTG Australia & Worldwide 2008

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