I have started to write a book, and that will take a long time, taking time out of my KTG work, I may need a stand in, if I can't eat the food on my plate.
Also, our website should be up in 2 weeks.
Sentano Goverich
This is the Krotchet Theatre Group Worldwide' official blog, some members have been given the chance to update the blog on news, if you want to join note it is my decision on who can & nobody else has permission to grant permission to other members, if you beg me your chances are blown.
Oldest member and Vice CEO here as memberships come to close for the year 2009 membership forms are available at our new website and KTG ONLINE MEETINGS are coming soon again at our new website and the website opens tomorrow 30 june and it is password protected so you will have to get the user name and password from me, the vice president of the KTG